Friday 25 March 2011

CERFY was at C2E2 today to get some more details on Battlefield 3. The footage wasn't open to the public, but they were able to squeeze some pretty good answers out of the developers and people in the know about Battlefield 3. One question relating to whether or not console players would get smaller maps than their PC team-mates. The answer was yes, console players will get smaller maps in Battlefield 3.

Another question that has been seen many times on this forum and around other gaming websites was how were jets going to deal with the compressed maps. The reply they got was that only the players are limited to a boundary, jets would be able to fly out to circle around and come-back. Probably a lot like in Battlefield 2, soldiers couldn't go past a certain point, but jets could keep going. This is seen in the below screen shot, soldiers -> helicopters can't enter the red areas, but planes could.

Fueling the PC vs. console debate is how the graphics will differ on the platforms. This to was also answered. With DICE's talented development team they have been able to compress the graphics through streaming (which we've been hearing a lot about from GDC 2011 conferences) and pipelines. The console will then uncompress the information with about the same quality as the PC. A console has not been seen running the game yet and multiplayer videos of Battlefield 3 have not yet been seen as well.

The article did not state who they (CERFY) interviewed, but we trust it was someone reputable.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The many faces

Currently I have been playing a game called Second life, Its a sandbox sort of game in which you are really allowed to do any thing you want. From Roleplaying as a elf, to surfing on a breach with virtual waves. I personally joined something called "Gor" and I am still unsure of what i fully do in it, but I get to shoot people with arrows which is good enough for me.

The is a sim I joined and it seemed very nice and active but soon enough the admin group showed the real side and how they dont care how other are and just how their little clip is doing, Which is sad to see on such a active sim.
 I guess this was just a little rant over how people still make little clips in games which are ment to be shared.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Frostbite 2.0 Features Revealed

GamingTips posted an article with information about the Frostbite 2 engine and it's details. As DICE said before, PC will be the leading platform for Battlefield 3. BF3 will still look really good on the consoles, but it is restricted to 24 players whereas PC players can enjoy up to 64 players online (another 40!) The details for Frostbite 2:

  • Frostbite 2 will only support DirectX 10 and 11, as we reported.
  • Frostbite 2.0 is recommended to run on 64-bit CPUs and versions of Windows
  • The engine will have a new set of compilers and pipelines, which will improve its diversity and open the possibility to mod tools.
  • Tile-based deferred shading via DirectCompute, which will improve performance.
  • Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA), implemented with DirectCompute, which provides better bandwidth conservation (exclusive DirectX 11 feature).
  • Real-time radiosity (a dynamic light source with HDR), powered by the Enlighten middleware engine, previously used in God of War 3 for the PS3
  • Improved environment destruction.
Minecraft on roids! 

The game of the Future?

So I am sure most of you will know this already but minecraft is awesome! I have been playing it for a while now and finally I have made my blog (yay). So a few who past by this blog will know who I am and for those who do not I am zemik from And this is a gaming community which do weekly give aways and daily streams of all sorts of games. I meaning stream Minecratf.

So here is a link: - Total should check this out.